What Are You Focused On this Holiday Season?

Are you ever out in public and you see another person out talking to their kids or shopping and you think… “Yep, that girl, she is my people”? Its like there is an instant connection because she gets you and you get her.

Well, that was me this past Sunday. We are here in the thick of the Holiday buzz of Christmas shopping and finalizing details of Christmas. The kids have one week of school left before winter break. So, all of us mommas are in Target gathering supplies, snacks, and last-minute gifts.

I turn the corner in the toy section and I hear this momma saying “boys, quit touching all those things, get away from there, come on now, I need you to move out of the toy section and with me down here. We have teacher gifts to buy”.

I was all like – Yes, that is my girl right there. She is on a mission and it does not involve buying her kids more toys. I even laughed out loud and said “Yes, boys, us mommas are on a mission.”

Side note: I can be largely awkward and blurt things out to strangers. Sorry in advance.

Thankfully, this mom laughed, and we all went about our way.

I laughed too because my family had just left the mall, which is not where I want to be on a Sunday afternoon one and a half weeks before Christmas. In the mall, I had to get on to one of my kids to move it down the center aisle so we could get out of there quickly. I was like, “I need you to move towards the door so we can get out of here.” I was on a mission and I needed all parties to focus!

All of this got me thinking about how we were on mission that day. How that mom and  myself were focused and not letting our kiddos sway us. We knew why we were there at Target. And we knew how to accomplish it. I admired that mom because she was funny, but she was also intentional and purposeful.

I felt like God was tapping me on the shoulder asking me to look around at other things in my life and ask…

Are you that “on mission” in other areas of your life?

And by on mission, I mean focused, intentional, and purposeful.

Am I giving the mission minded attention to the right things in my life?

Am I focused and intentional about the right things?

If I say God is important to me, am I intentional and focused in my relationship with Him?

If I say I want my life to slow down, am I intentional and purposeful with my Yes’s and No’s?

We can’t say we want our family time to be important but stay on our phones the whole time while we are with our kids. The intention and the action don’t match up. And our people know it!

I once heard someone say the best thing you can do for your kids is to smile when they walk in the room. You know why? Because the intention and the action match up then. The smiling shows you love them, you are happy to see them. But if we are mumbling to them while scrolling on our phones, then what action does that show? 

So, let's take some time as we go into the Holiday season to think about what our live's show we are intentional about?

Do our lives show we are intentional about Target because recently that seems to be my focus, to get it all done? Honest answer.

But maybe this week, we could take some time to plan dinner with the family to discuss our days. Or maybe we could carve out thirty minutes to take a walk because our health is important to us.

Take sometime to think...

What do I want to be on mission for?

What are some ways I can have my actions line up with that intention this week?

Happy Holidays friends!

Love, B


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